Take Inspired Action Today - Without 100% Certainty
Oct 21, 2024Over the weekend during our Accelerator call, we were chatting about how many decisions it takes daily to move your business forward.
I’ve seen entrepreneurs often get stuck, waiting for 100% certainty before taking the next step. My business coach suggests acting at 70% certainty, and maybe that advice will help you too. It’s given me so much momentum this year!
I’ve struggled with perfectionism myself. I remember years ago, as a photographer, I designed my website. It was nearly ready, but I hesitated to take that last step—publish it! It took me months to finally make it live.
Remember, in your business, things can always change. You can try something, and if it doesn’t go as planned, you can adjust.
But waiting won’t give you the valuable feedback you need to shape your next move.
Lessons for your business:
Don't Wait for 100% Certainty Instead of waiting for everything to be perfect, move forward when you're 70% sure. Perfectionism can lead to paralysis, delaying your progress. Acting at 70% certainty allows you to build momentum and gather real-world feedback. Remember, progress is better than perfection. Taking those steps, even when you’re not completely sure, can unlock opportunities you wouldn't have seen otherwise.
Perfection is the Enemy of Progress Spending too much time tinkering and perfecting can hold you back. You can always make improvements along the way, but you can’t grow without taking that first step. As a photographer, I spent months perfecting my website, only to realize later that what really mattered was putting it out there. Don’t let perfectionism keep you from launching your ideas—get them into the world and refine them later.
Learn from Experimentation and Feedback You won’t know what works until you try. Experimenting allows you to gather valuable feedback from your market, which can guide your next steps. If something doesn't work out as planned, treat it as an opportunity to learn and adjust. By putting your ideas into action, you’ll gain clarity and confidence, ultimately shaping a business that aligns with your vision.
Be brave, step forward with 70-80% certainty, and let the rest be a joyful experiment!
You’ve got this!
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