Love and wisdom

Feb 07, 2025

Last weekend, I hosted an in-person meditation to set intentions for the new year and welcome the Year of the Wood Snake.

During the meditation, I guided participants to open their hearts—to release past disappointments and forgive anything from 2024 that might prevent them from manifesting their grand vision for 2025.

As we went around the room, each person shared what they wanted to let go of.

One participant, with tears in her eyes, expressed a deep desire to create more harmony in her relationships.

After the meditation, her entire presence shifted—her eyes looked brighter, and she radiated a sense of peace.

She shared that connecting with the wisdom of Divine love helped her open her heart in a way she hadn't before.

Later in the week, during our online Moon Meditation, she reflected on how this newfound wisdom had transformed her perspective.

She felt lighter, more open, and ready to open her heart further.

February is a month where the world turns its focus to love.

But for many of us, love has been complicated.

We’ve had our hearts broken, our dreams shattered, and the bright futures we once envisioned slip away.

Whether from family, partners, or friendships, past experiences of love can leave us guarded, afraid to open our hearts again.

I’ve been through it all.

I’ve had my heart broken, my dreams shattered, and I’ve had to re-imagine my future more than once.

And through it all, I’ve learned that human love—though beautiful—is often limited, conditional, and prone to change.

But Divine Love, Source Love, Greatest Love, or Universal Love—whatever you choose to call it, depending on your beliefs—is different.

That kind of love is infinite, unconditional, and knows no boundaries.

When we connect with this greater love, we gain the ability to forgive the limitations of human love.

We begin to see that others, just like us, have also experienced heartbreak and disappointment.

Some still carry that pain, unable to fully open themselves to love again.

When we recognize this shared fragility, we soften.

We learn to forgive—not just others but also ourselves.

Lesson 1: Releasing Business Disappointments

Just as past heartbreaks can close our hearts to love, past business disappointments can close us off to new opportunities.

A launch that didn’t go as planned, an offer that wasn’t received well, or a collaboration that fell apart—these experiences can leave us hesitant, afraid to try again.

But holding onto that fear only keeps us stuck.

Releasing past disappointments allows us to approach our business with fresh energy and renewed hope.

Ask yourself: What past disappointment in your business are you still holding on to?

It might be time to let it go.

Lesson 2: Falling in Love with Your Business Again

When you feel disconnected from your business, it can start to feel like a burden rather than a joy.

But love is at the heart of everything we do.

When you reconnect with the deeper purpose behind your work—why you started, who you serve, and the impact you create—you reignite your passion.

Loving your business means nurturing it, believing in it, and showing up for it even when things get tough.

Here's to more love for ourselves and our businesses!


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